Wednesday, January 2, 2008

It's time to begin...

Time to get brutally honest with myself!

I am 5'10" and currently weigh 230 lbs ... this is not how I had envisioned myself to be in my adult life.

I have a wonderful family, a nice home, and great support in my artistic en devours... unfortunately I have been fighting and losing against a villain who I like to call "Self Sabotage".

Maybe that was my problem, I always saw it as I fight I was having, even though it was just with myself.
To hell with that! I am me, I am in charge, I want a better healthier body, and I am going to obtain it!

It's not that I do not eat healthy. Generally, I do. I am not a fan of fast food and only venture to Wendy's once every month, at a request of my 4 year old. Even then, I only have one of their bistro sandwiches and a few of my sons fries (no pop).

I am a grazer. We do our best not to keep any 'bad' snacks in our house. If they are there, they call my name, so it is best not to even bring them into the house. I have been brought up with the ideals that if you have people over, you must have pop and chips, etc in the house to 'put out'. Over the years I have refrained from this habit, only to have someone always show up at the door with a couple grocery bags in hand insisting that we must have these items for our guests. AHHHHHHH! We generally have fruit and veggie juice, water, wine, veggies, pretzels, baked nacho chips, salsa, popcorn, etc on hand when we invite people over. Is that not sufficient. If I do not want certain 'unhealthy' items being put into my body and neither do the other members who live in this house with me, why would we put such things out for our guests? I don't get it.

We don't have guests over that often mind you, but honestly, if these types of things are in our home, I will eventually go and get a handful.

My 4 year old will try all foods. Loves cheerios, toast, fruit, veggies, sushi, tofu, Indian food, etc.
We did great not bringing in the sugar cereals, douhnuts, cookies, etc...but now there is someone brings over boxes of these 'treats' for him.

For awhile the staple with every dinner meal was either pasta or rice, which I now know is a big no no. We have strayed from that old habit for a few months now, although my hubby wishes we could have rice at every meal.

Look at me placing blame on other people, when what I should be doing is standing up and saying 'No thank you', 'please take that home with you'.

It's an old slogan, but it is very true.
"You are what you eat."

Time to trim the fat, Baby!

oh... and by the way Happy New Year

Keep smiling and moving,


violette said...

Hi Nicci........i struggle with that's hard to say no to stuff people bring over.......but we must acquire some self-discipline....the blame is on us really!

Good luck!

Love, Violette

Sophie said...

I have no one to blame except myself. I live alone and never have people over.
I'll definitely follow this blog of yours. I'm shorter than you (5'2") but I have at least 30 lbs to make disappear.
Ever heard of Our Lady of Weight Loss? is her website. She's inspiring!
Good luck!

altermyworld said...

You go Nicci!!!!! As a diagnosed binge eater i battle with just eating healthy. i know you can do it.